Thursday, February 20, 2014

BAPTIZED??? well figure this out soon enough

ok, so ages and ages and ages ago, you were a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints.
and over time, its become some kind of muddy waters for me to know if in fact you are still.

the other day you called, we talked, like normal, and out of the blue you announced you got baptized in some other faith.
i was shocked, disheartened actually.

it didnt make sense to me to be baptized in some other faith, simply because you enjoy attending there.

in fact, as i had mentioned on the phone, its pointless.

ppl with NO AUTHORITY, can baptize you, but the bapotism means nothing, other than a symbolic gesture for the truth we hold in our own faith.
now, dont get me wrong, sandy, i have no issue with you wanting to be a member of another faith, thats your every right.

but you know that the building you can attend, and should be attending, 2 blocks away from you.

take mr miller there.
and  get with the bishop, and see if in fact you still have records in the church or not.
hell get you lined up with individuals for you to arrange rides, and ppl wo communicate with for food orders, heck, you might be able to get a bus ticket here when its time. that bishop can speak with mine and we can get things straight.

you keep saying you try to call, i keep telling you when to do it, and you keep not getting in touch with anyone..
its almost to me like your not actually doing it.

so, because i know you too well, and enough time has delayed and stalled and it shouldnt be this hard when that place is right there  at your house, i did something.

and you can hate me later.

maybe you wont. i dont know.

i know when you ask for a free Book of Mormon, missionaries come to your dooir to deliver it, missionaries in your area, and i sent them a note.
told them you needed to know if your a member or not, to get you hooked up with the Bishop, and to have you get with the Relief Society President (or her counselors) also told them if you wernt a meber, to go a head and teach you, but to leave the baptism to my area, because youd be here in 8 months, and have to go through the entire thing again, because i want to be there when your baptized..because i want to KNOW FOR SURE that you do and are a member of the church, pkus, id prolly be asked to give a talk, or sing to you, or something.

so...i expect a call soon, about you telling me the missionaries went to your door, and inquired about you.

no turning back now.
i can do more than that, i can actually get in touch with the bishop, if i want to (and i may) but i want YOU to take control of YOUR life..if YOU want it, YOU have to reach for it.

im not sure how the church will respond to the fact your a single/married woman living in a single/widowers home (all be it in the basement) your still..."together". and THAT may be an issue.
church has ossues with that, so THAT may prevent you from actually being able to get baptized anyway..

which, will be good for me and MY quest with you.

if you cant get dunked there, maybe when you come here youll be able too. thats my hope anyway.

as a side note, tied to this thing, missionaries in my ward asked me to do a ward mission family plan, asked me to share the gosple with someone i know..and..i told them i had a BoM sent to YOUR house in NC..
and got that checked off my list as a member here in OK.

no one said you cant share long distance.

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