i was writing a letter to you, when emails were coming in and one of them has me in shock.
you dont know this guy, i do, and im not gonna lie, hes never been one of my favorite ppl to have to deal with. he is set in his ways, and a chauvinist, and a sexist.
his names Steve.
anyay a little background just so you can understand why i feel the way i feel about him.
when we moved here to oklahoma, craig had already looked for a train club to be a member of, and found OKNRAIL as the club he chose to join, has his gauge train (N scale) to play and do stuff with, so we expected to join and things would run the same ofr very similar to his old club (AMROC) in columbia SC...
Steve was the predident of the oklahoma club at the time we joined, everything was fine. all was good.
and we noticed when wed go in on saturdays wed often be babysitting the trainclub layout foir the entire day, from open (9am) to close(9pm) with not a whole lot of other ppl there to interact with other than train club ppl, on occassion.
and we still did it even tho we felt we were bring used and abused, because craig liked the hobby and i wanted him to be happy doing something he loved.
well, one day his mother was coming into oklahoma from NC, and we had told the group, we wernt gonna be able to man the layout because we have family coming in from out of town.
and she (craigs mom) asked if she could go see this layout she had hear raig talk about, and see the club,. i got it, shes his mom, wanted to share in something he likes and enjoys .
so we stop by, for a few minutes. and i walk up to our president while craigs showing everything off to his mother, and steve, yells at me "i thought you two couldnt come intoday!" insinuating that because we showed up, even tho we have company we could have babysat the layout, forget company, trains are far more important! (NOT!)
so, i had to snip back, with just as much force..."we cant, my motrher in law, craigs mother wanted to come by and see the clubs layout. well be gone shortly."
i let that go, but another thiung happnened.
at a meeting after the passing of one of my favorite ppl in the club had occured, we were asking who we had to speak with about something the deceased individual had wanted us to have we were shcedued to go and get, and he passed away in the interm of us getitng it. so steve tells us to speak to another emmber, so we approach this member, and i sat that steve had told us to spak to him about this, upon hearing his name, steve joins the conversation.
as im still speaking...he interjects and says: "this is about the time i tune her out and ignore her" and he chuckles. he thought it was funny..i did not.
i was fuming. i felt embarrassed and unappreciated and i was over him, completely.
told craig as wel left id never come back...not as long as he was a member of this club.
well we didnt attend for a long time, and another member came on board and became the president and askedus to the mall in private to talk to us about coming back.
i explained my position with steve, and reittierated i wasnt goinna come back because he was there.
but eventually, because craig was asked to be the web page developer we came back, steve was still the president.
at one point as time passed us by, i noticed steves face was very thin, and asked about his conditon, and was told he wasnt easting because ehe didnt have the funds to buy anything.
and i had an overwhelming sensation to buy him staples of food, thing that would fill his belly.
so we did, spent 50.00 on him, bought rice, pasta, soup, potatoes, beans, even got his dog dog food. had allot of bags with pleanty of food for him, and he took it, graciously. and i saw him start to fill out..
not allot happened between us since that time.
no one really likes him...we all just avoid him.
we had our last meeting (we have a club meeting every 2nd thursday) at nthe start of the month. he was there, seemed fine, altho i saw he looked thin again, but i let it pass, and neer asked him if he was ok. im not sure we could have helpped anyway. altho last time we were on unemplyment when we did what we did, were just under a ton of debt right now...but i dont know.
so while i was writing you a letter for today, when i was done i checked my email, and found a letter from a member telling he club this man has passed away. and i am lirerally in shock.
not for any other reason other than i felt like a ton of bricks fell on me..and a slice of real life was shown to me..
and immediatly i thought of you..
why am i telling you all this? FOR THIS:
sandy, i worry every day were apart that God will call you, or me back home before i can see you face to face again to tell you everything thats on my heart for you.
i live with the guilt of walking way from you, every single day. and i NEED to say to you face to face i AM SO SORRY I DID THAT. i have no idea id my appology will mean anything, i can only hope it does, because if you die, or i doie, i have lost my chance.
in that case, im saying it here, and it may be said over and over and over again, because it haunts me, sandy. my actions haunt me.
i should have never let you go, and i did.
i have no excuse but anger to explain why i did it. and anger isnt enough.
i cant take the past back...all i can do is try to make your future better.
and i am limited. i can guide you. youll have to follow.
moreover than anything...
sandy, death is final. its done, over, finished, no take backs...
and if you left this planet before i was able to tell you , looking at you...how much you mean to me, and how much i love you, ill have to live with THAT as well for the rest of my life, and i dont know if i could, to be honest. because the weight of my guilt is enough, i dont want to add to it.
sandy, i love you more than you will ever know and comprehend.
in the time we were separated (because of me) i never for one day didnt think about you. you were there.
always there, and at times it hurt me, because i was angry, but more than that it showed me how deep you were embedded in my heart, which eventually found the place to forgive you and move on and try to repair the damage.
if i never get to say it in person, sandy i am sorry. for everything i did. sorry for being a louse for a BEST friend, what kind of BEST friend does what i did? sorry for not letting go of my anger. sorry for not being there when you needed me..the most. sorry for turning my back. sorry for not sharing your life, and allowing myself to be denied of 3 of your 5 kids. sorry for not being there when husbands were mean, and too rough, and shallow, and not being there to tell you how very speaical and valuable you really are.
because sandy, you are valueable. and special, to me anyway.
and i cant make you see it if you dont want too, but you are so special to God, he has a special plan set side just for you..and your worthy of it, you just have to believe you are and then have the faith to reach for it.
9 months cant pass soon enough for me, so i can hug you, and cry, and purge myself of this guilt. spend time with you, reflecting, remembering, laughing, rebuilding what we lost.
besides my husband & my son, your hat i cnsider my ONLY family.
sure i have an aunt, but we rarely talk, even tho were on facebook, and she can talk to me and i can talk to her, we just..dont.
i love her, and thats the truth, i love her kids, her grands, and even her great grands, but we just arnt that close.
to be honest you and i have known each other longer than she and i have, so our bond (yours and mine) is far deeper than hers and mine, sadly.
but thats how it goes.
life is like that.
just because we are blood doesnt mean we are close.
YOUR my family, and i hold you as close to me as i hold my son.
if i die, before you ever hear those words form me, i said them here, and for that i am also sorry.
know this tho, that i am near you, around you, near by. watching you.
maybe you can feel me, maybe you cant, but im there. always will be.
i love you sandy.
you dont know this guy, i do, and im not gonna lie, hes never been one of my favorite ppl to have to deal with. he is set in his ways, and a chauvinist, and a sexist.
his names Steve.
anyay a little background just so you can understand why i feel the way i feel about him.
when we moved here to oklahoma, craig had already looked for a train club to be a member of, and found OKNRAIL as the club he chose to join, has his gauge train (N scale) to play and do stuff with, so we expected to join and things would run the same ofr very similar to his old club (AMROC) in columbia SC...
Steve was the predident of the oklahoma club at the time we joined, everything was fine. all was good.
and we noticed when wed go in on saturdays wed often be babysitting the trainclub layout foir the entire day, from open (9am) to close(9pm) with not a whole lot of other ppl there to interact with other than train club ppl, on occassion.
and we still did it even tho we felt we were bring used and abused, because craig liked the hobby and i wanted him to be happy doing something he loved.
well, one day his mother was coming into oklahoma from NC, and we had told the group, we wernt gonna be able to man the layout because we have family coming in from out of town.
and she (craigs mom) asked if she could go see this layout she had hear raig talk about, and see the club,. i got it, shes his mom, wanted to share in something he likes and enjoys .
so we stop by, for a few minutes. and i walk up to our president while craigs showing everything off to his mother, and steve, yells at me "i thought you two couldnt come intoday!" insinuating that because we showed up, even tho we have company we could have babysat the layout, forget company, trains are far more important! (NOT!)
so, i had to snip back, with just as much force..."we cant, my motrher in law, craigs mother wanted to come by and see the clubs layout. well be gone shortly."
i let that go, but another thiung happnened.
at a meeting after the passing of one of my favorite ppl in the club had occured, we were asking who we had to speak with about something the deceased individual had wanted us to have we were shcedued to go and get, and he passed away in the interm of us getitng it. so steve tells us to speak to another emmber, so we approach this member, and i sat that steve had told us to spak to him about this, upon hearing his name, steve joins the conversation.
as im still speaking...he interjects and says: "this is about the time i tune her out and ignore her" and he chuckles. he thought it was funny..i did not.
i was fuming. i felt embarrassed and unappreciated and i was over him, completely.
told craig as wel left id never come back...not as long as he was a member of this club.
well we didnt attend for a long time, and another member came on board and became the president and askedus to the mall in private to talk to us about coming back.
i explained my position with steve, and reittierated i wasnt goinna come back because he was there.
but eventually, because craig was asked to be the web page developer we came back, steve was still the president.
at one point as time passed us by, i noticed steves face was very thin, and asked about his conditon, and was told he wasnt easting because ehe didnt have the funds to buy anything.
and i had an overwhelming sensation to buy him staples of food, thing that would fill his belly.
so we did, spent 50.00 on him, bought rice, pasta, soup, potatoes, beans, even got his dog dog food. had allot of bags with pleanty of food for him, and he took it, graciously. and i saw him start to fill out..
not allot happened between us since that time.
no one really likes him...we all just avoid him.
we had our last meeting (we have a club meeting every 2nd thursday) at nthe start of the month. he was there, seemed fine, altho i saw he looked thin again, but i let it pass, and neer asked him if he was ok. im not sure we could have helpped anyway. altho last time we were on unemplyment when we did what we did, were just under a ton of debt right now...but i dont know.
so while i was writing you a letter for today, when i was done i checked my email, and found a letter from a member telling he club this man has passed away. and i am lirerally in shock.
not for any other reason other than i felt like a ton of bricks fell on me..and a slice of real life was shown to me..
and immediatly i thought of you..
why am i telling you all this? FOR THIS:
sandy, i worry every day were apart that God will call you, or me back home before i can see you face to face again to tell you everything thats on my heart for you.
i live with the guilt of walking way from you, every single day. and i NEED to say to you face to face i AM SO SORRY I DID THAT. i have no idea id my appology will mean anything, i can only hope it does, because if you die, or i doie, i have lost my chance.
in that case, im saying it here, and it may be said over and over and over again, because it haunts me, sandy. my actions haunt me.
i should have never let you go, and i did.
i have no excuse but anger to explain why i did it. and anger isnt enough.
i cant take the past back...all i can do is try to make your future better.
and i am limited. i can guide you. youll have to follow.
moreover than anything...
sandy, death is final. its done, over, finished, no take backs...
and if you left this planet before i was able to tell you , looking at you...how much you mean to me, and how much i love you, ill have to live with THAT as well for the rest of my life, and i dont know if i could, to be honest. because the weight of my guilt is enough, i dont want to add to it.
sandy, i love you more than you will ever know and comprehend.
in the time we were separated (because of me) i never for one day didnt think about you. you were there.
always there, and at times it hurt me, because i was angry, but more than that it showed me how deep you were embedded in my heart, which eventually found the place to forgive you and move on and try to repair the damage.
if i never get to say it in person, sandy i am sorry. for everything i did. sorry for being a louse for a BEST friend, what kind of BEST friend does what i did? sorry for not letting go of my anger. sorry for not being there when you needed me..the most. sorry for turning my back. sorry for not sharing your life, and allowing myself to be denied of 3 of your 5 kids. sorry for not being there when husbands were mean, and too rough, and shallow, and not being there to tell you how very speaical and valuable you really are.
because sandy, you are valueable. and special, to me anyway.
and i cant make you see it if you dont want too, but you are so special to God, he has a special plan set side just for you..and your worthy of it, you just have to believe you are and then have the faith to reach for it.
9 months cant pass soon enough for me, so i can hug you, and cry, and purge myself of this guilt. spend time with you, reflecting, remembering, laughing, rebuilding what we lost.
besides my husband & my son, your hat i cnsider my ONLY family.
sure i have an aunt, but we rarely talk, even tho were on facebook, and she can talk to me and i can talk to her, we just..dont.
i love her, and thats the truth, i love her kids, her grands, and even her great grands, but we just arnt that close.
to be honest you and i have known each other longer than she and i have, so our bond (yours and mine) is far deeper than hers and mine, sadly.
but thats how it goes.
life is like that.
just because we are blood doesnt mean we are close.
YOUR my family, and i hold you as close to me as i hold my son.
if i die, before you ever hear those words form me, i said them here, and for that i am also sorry.
know this tho, that i am near you, around you, near by. watching you.
maybe you can feel me, maybe you cant, but im there. always will be.
i love you sandy.